Steeltoe Namespaces
Steeltoe Bootstrap
Extension methods on host-builders that automatically activate Steeltoe features, based on the assemblies used by your app.
Steeltoe Circuit Breaker
Steeltoe's port of Netflix Hystrix to .NET.
Steeltoe Common
Contains several packages that are common to other Steeltoe components.
Steeltoe Configuration Providers
Custom configuration providers for use with Microsoft's application configuration for accessing configuration settings for an application.
Steeltoe Connectors
Contains connectors for simplifying the process of connecting to backing services and setting up connection health monitoring.
Steeltoe Service Discovery & Registration
Contains packages for interacting with service registries.
Steeltoe Integration
Contains packages for messaging integrations.
Steeltoe Logging Extensions
Logging extensions that, when used with Steeltoe Management, enable changing the Logging levels for a running application at run-time, without restarting the app.
Currently supports the Microsoft Console Logger and Serilog.
Steeltoe Application Management
Management tools to help manage and monitor your applications.
Steeltoe Messaging
Contains messaging support for RabbitMQ.
Steeltoe Security
Authentication and DataProtection libraries which simplify interacting with CredHub and using security services on CloudFoundry.
Steeltoe Stream
Contains streaming support for RabbitMQ.