Management Tasks
Steeltoe management tasks provide a way to run administrative tasks for ASP.NET Core applications by supporting an alternate entry point, letting you take advantage of the same configuration, logging, and dependency injection as the running version of your application. The original use case for this feature is managing database migrations with a bound database service on Cloud Foundry, but the framework is extensible for you to create your own tasks.
Add NuGet Reference
To use application tasks, add a reference to the Steeltoe.Management.Tasks
NuGet package.
Registering Tasks
For simple cases, a code block containing the task logic can be specified inline:
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddTask("ExampleTaskName", async (serviceProvider, cancellationToken) =>
var loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("ExampleTask");
await Task.Yield();
logger.LogInformation("Running example task.");
When the task logic is non-trivial, a class implementing the IApplicationTask
interface can be defined:
using Steeltoe.Common;
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
public class ExampleTask(ILogger<ExampleTask> logger) : IApplicationTask
public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await Task.Yield();
logger.LogInformation("Running example task.");
Steeltoe includes the MigrateDbContextTask<TDbContext>
task, which runs database migrations with Entity Framework Core.
It requires a reference to the Steeltoe.Connectors.EntityFrameworkCore
NuGet package.
To register the ExampleTask
class defined above as a scoped service, use the AddTask<>
extension method:
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
To register as a singleton or transient service, use the overload that additionally takes a ServiceLifetime
In case task instantiation requires additional logic, a task instance can be specified as well:
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var exampleTask = new ExampleTask(/* ... */);
builder.Services.AddTask("ExampleTaskName", exampleTask);
Or an inline factory method can be used to instantiate the task:
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddTask("ExampleTaskName", (serviceProvider, taskName) =>
var loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<ExampleTask>();
return new ExampleTask(logger); // could pass the task name as a parameter
Executing a Task
Once your task has been defined and added to the service container, the last step is to enable a means of executing the task.
In your Program.cs
file, replace the call to app.Run()
with await app.RunWithTasksAsync()
using Steeltoe.Management.Tasks;
var app = builder.Build();
// ...
await app.RunWithTasksAsync(CancellationToken.None);
Specify Task to Execute
Once all the setup steps have been completed, any invocation of your application with a configuration value for the RunTask
runs that task (and shuts down) instead of starting the web application:
dotnet run -- RunTask=ExampleTaskName
As a matter of best practice, we encourage you to provide the RunTask
value only via a command-line parameter.
However, due to the way .NET configuration works, it does not matter which configuration provider is used to provide the task name.
Invoking the command on Cloud Foundry looks similar to this:
cf run-task YourAppName "dotnet run -- RunTask=ExampleTaskName" --name ExampleTaskName
The command line configuration provider is added by default when using WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args)
If the task does not fire when running from the command line with the RunTask=
verify that the configuration provider has been added for your application.